Past Projects
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Past Projects
Peter Woodhall
A 1920's Woodhall wedding
Includes family of Edwin Woodhall born 1855 (2nd left back row) and many members of his family, children their wives/husbands and assorted cousins.
c 1920's, Erdington
Erdington, c 1920's
Cheryl Gillam
Nan Irene 1929, Mom Janet 1959, three Daughters of Janet born 1982, 84, 87. Three generations of women at a party for my sister and my son who share a birthday.
Irene Simms, Janet Sheppard, Rachael Sheppard, Gemma Sheppard, Cheryl Sheppard
2016, Castle Vale, Birmingham
Castle Vale, Birmingham , 2016
More Grain Projects
Made in Brixton
The Rural Gaze
I am reaching out to you
What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty Vase
Agency by Anthony Luvera
Faces Of 2022
What would you say
New Narratives
Covid-19 Responses, Stoke-on-Trent
Family Photo Gallery
Peggy Livingstone
From left to right: Peggy Livingstone (now aged 99), Elaine Easthope (now aged 74), Kate Jones (now aged 43), and Chynna Langford (now aged 25).
Peggy Livingstone, Elaine Easthope, Kate Jones, and Chynna Langford
1948 - 1996, Wednesbury
Wednesbury, 1948 - 1996
Peggy Livingstone
Nan & Me in nans back garden in Chelmsley Wood.
Peggy and Kate
1978, Chelmsley Wood
Chelmsley Wood, 1978
Joan Williams
The last seaside picture is mum Joan Williams and myself Dawn Corfield taken on holiday in Llandudno Wales. This is the holiday where I cried at Punch and Judy on the prom. I still don’t like them!!
Joan Williams and Dawn Corfield
1972, Wales
Wales, 1972
The Millichopes
Patricia and Tony approx 1962 (left), Tony and Amy approx 1988 (middle), and Patricia with her great grandchild, Ella Margot Aspinall 2021 (right).
Patricia Millichope (left and right), Tony Millichope (left and middle), Amy Millichope (middle), Ella Margot Aspinall (right)
1962 - 2021, Birmingham
Birmingham, 1962 - 2021
Eileen Weedon
A daytrip to Rhyl
Dad's sister Lily with 2 daughters, Mum, Dad me and my sister.
Approx 1949, Rhyl
Rhyl, Approx 1949
Jany Uddin
My mom and dad when they first got married.
Mom and dad
1994, Bangladesh
Bangladesh, 1994
Adam Khan
A picture of my family unit, being a care leaver. Having experienced many disadvantages, I feel it’s important to understand that the heteronormative family unit isn’t representative of society today.
Me, Adam. I’m a non-binary, neurodivergent social activist and community leader.
2019, Birmingham
Birmingham, 2019
Peter Woodhall
Ernest Woodhall and siblings. The earliest photograph of my grandfather.
Ernest Woodhall and siblings Lillian Susan and Albert Edwin
1888, Manor Photographic Studios (Ja Fletcher, Lichfield Road, Aston)
Manor Photographic Studios (Ja Fletcher, Lichfield Road, Aston), 1888
Surinder Buray
Mr Surinder Buray, Rashpal Buray, Wife and Husband and children Jaspal and Inderjit.
1985, Birmingham
Birmingham, 1985
Marie Izon
My family photograph taken at a silver jubilee celebration
Elder Brother Steven Izon, Elder sister Diana Izon, myself bottom left, Mom Late (Patricia Clara Izon nee Talbot) and youngest sibling late David Izon
1977, The Cottages at the side of the Church Tavern, Perry Barr, Birmingham
The Cottages at the side of the Church Tavern, Perry Barr, Birmingham, 1977
Copyright 2016 GRAIN.