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Past Projects
Sophia Oliver
In this picture we are all family. As you can see we are a very multicultural family. All the younger girls are first cousins and the older ladies are sisters. Our Nanny was born in the Himalayas and was brought up in Assam where she met our Grandad. He was Irish and they married and came back to UK. But not Birmingham, Newcastle. They moved to Birmingham to work on coal mines around 20 years after. My father's dad was brought up in Jamaica. He is Chinese Jamaican and my Grandad owned Fenkys Pattys in Hockley. My Nanny Fay was Jamaican. So, me Sophia cara, I feel one of a kind when I need to tick the box about my nationality, there isn't a box for me..... so I call myself a cocktail full of love
My Mom, Aunty's and Cousins
2020, 2 years ago
2 years ago, 2020
Laura Gale
Running along the tow path into Birmingham City Centre as part of a council workers fun run
My mom Roxy Gale, me, Laura Gale, and my Dad, John Gale
1985, Canal tow path, near the City Centre, Birmingham
Canal tow path, near the City Centre, Birmingham, 1985
Rosemarie Stephenson
The 1st photo, taken around Christmas time in 1959, is of my mother and I in my paternal grandparents home, Munstone cottage, which was next to a little chapel where I was always made to feel most welcome. I still own a little picture, ‘the light of the world’ and a beautiful little illustrated bible which they gave me on prize giving days. I didn’t go very often and they wouldn’t have known that I was I was going to be there on that particular Sunday so I thought that it must be magic that they had a prize for me, with my name on it! My grandmother died when I was 6 and my grandad moved in with my dad’s brother and his family but I still remember some of the hymns that we sang there. I also remember my Granny Gunter teaching me to knit. The 2nd photo of mom and I was taken in 1960, when I was 9 ½ months old, whilst we were on holiday in a chalet in Clacton.
1959 and 1960, Munstone Cottage and Clacton
Munstone Cottage and Clacton, 1959 and 1960
Nicole Grainger
Grandad and granddaughter
Donald (Grandad) myself (Nicole)
1983 , Birmingham
Birmingham , 1983
Lynne Harvey
My Mom and Dads honeymoon, 1947
Denis and Dorothy Buckley
1947, Seaside
Seaside, 1947
Peter Woodhall
Snowy day in Erdington c1960
Peter and Stephen Woodhall and friends
c1960, Newman Road, Erdington
Newman Road, Erdington, c1960
Dawn Searles
Mums 16th Birthday
Mum 2nd left, cousin Michael 3rd left, Uncle John 4th right, Grandad 3rd right, Gt Nan 4th right, Aunt Dot 2nd right and Nan 1st right. Two other ladies unknown.
1958, In the parlour of 234 Lodge Road, Winson Green, Birmingham.
In the parlour of 234 Lodge Road, Winson Green, Birmingham., 1958
Janet Barron
Outside our family home during the VE celebrations
Great Gran, Gran, Aunt Joan and her husband Reg, and my Dad William Smith
1945, Hayden Croft Kitts Green, Birmingham
Hayden Croft Kitts Green, Birmingham, 1945
Sameena Parvaz
Picture of me circa 1974 with my grandparents. Lived in a multi-generational home with parents and grandparents until their passing a few years ago. This was taken around my 1st birthday in our front room in Winson Green which was used as a workshop where my grandad and his brother make men's bespoke suits some of which can be seen hanging in the back. They moved on from the workshop and bought a shop nearby; the tailoring business continues today but with my father in charge.
With my paternal grandparents Sabir Hussain Abbasi and Inayat Begum.
1974, Winson Green, Birmingham
Winson Green, Birmingham, 1974
Me and my mom
2004, Magurele, Romania
Magurele, Romania, 2004
Graham Knight
The White family moved to West Heath in 1953-1956 from Ladywood having first moved to Birmingham from South Warwickshire, where they were farmers, in the 1860s. In 1948 Ruby White (3rd from left back row) married Leonard Knight (taking the photo thus not in it), whose family had been agricultural workers in Suffolk since Anglo Saxon times. They moved to Turves Green in 1953, 3 months after the birth of their son, Graham, who is shown being held by Stan Ogidel. Stan was originally from Poland and settled in Birmingham after World War 2 with his his wife, Pearl, who was Ruby’s twin. The twins were children of Dick and Josie White, 2nd and 3rd from right, as was Dick, their eldest son (at right) and Joan (2nd from left). To Ruby’s left is Rose Page, Dick Jr’s 1st wife. The two older boys are Roger and Graham Hurcombe, sons of Ruby and Len’s next door neighbours.
Stan Ogidel, Joan White, Ruby Knight, Rose White, Dick White, Dick White Jr, Graham Knight, Roger Hurcombe, Graham Hurcombe, Josie White and Pearl Ogidel.
1954, In the back garden of 45 Turves Green, West Heath in Northfield, Birmingham, B31
In the back garden of 45 Turves Green, West Heath in Northfield, Birmingham, B31, 1954
Anna Williams
My Nanny and Grandads wedding photo at the start of the war!
Henry Connell Lillian Brown (Connell) aka Kath
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