5 PLUS 5
In 2015 GRAIN worked with five emerging photographers based in Madrid and five in Birmingham to create an exhibition dialogue. The invited photographers were David Sheperd, Dean O’Brien, Lauren Spencer, Nicola Onions and Oscar Parasiego, and from Madrid; Angela Losa, Anna Fawcus, Eoin Moylan, Inge Trienekens, and Juan Pablo Fassi.
The projects shown in this exhibitions orbit around themes such as memory, identity, space, the human condition and eternal subjects in the field of photographic creation. All the emerging practitioners selected to take part in this exhibition exchange use highly contemporary language and represent a new generation of globally connected artists that use the camera as one of many technological tools for image creation.
Part of GRAIN’s Professional Development Programme the activity contributed to the experience of emerging practitioners.
Moritz Neumüller (Linz, Austria, 1972) a curator, educator and writer in the field of Photography and New Media, was the key partner in Spain. . He holds a Masters Degree in Art History and a PhD degree in Information Management and has worked for several important art institutions, such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, PhotoEspaña in Madrid and LOOP in Barcelona. Neu, müller is currently working as Festival Curator at PhotoIreland in Dublin, and directing a study program called European Master of Fine Art Photography for the Istituto di Design in Madrid. In 2009, Moritz Neumüller founded ArteConTacto, a project aimed at exploring art through all the senses, in order to provide access for all visitors, including the visually impaired. Since 2010, he has run The Curator Ship, a platform that provides useful information for visual artists.
Credit: © Oscar Parasiego 2014